Get Distracted! with me

Hello! Welcome to my weird little corner of Substack. I'm Georgie—an award-winning fiction author. I also write non-fiction articles and book reviews, and I’ve taught creative writing for more than 25 years. In other words, I’m old.

My substack is a smorgasbord of mildly humiliating stories from my life as a writer, menopausal online dater, housesitter, dog whisperer, and sufferer of mild, gen-X incurred brain damage.

It’s all in service of my goals: to make you laugh, bring you joy, and weird you out.

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  • Also a lot of unwarranted flattery about their looks and personality

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  • And of course, I will love you forever. That’s the most important thing, right?

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Everything is either a good time or a good story.


Everything is either a good time or a good story