I was hootin and hollerin over the lawnmower 😂😂

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Thank you so much! So happy to hear that 😊

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"The only thing we can say about the future with any confidence is that there will be some really annoying things in it." Now, that is a prophecy!

My most significant prophetic dream was that I was a mother to triplets. This was back in 1986, before I even knew for sure I was pregnant. Several weeks later, I found out I really was going to have triplets. I explain it away by thinking that my body obviously knew, even if my rational brain didn't.

My mum often used to phone me to say that she had a "bad feeling" and was just ringing round the whole family to check everyone was okay. After enough phone call fishing, she'd locate the disaster: so-and-so's cousin in the States had just died, or whatever. "Mum, there are always bad things happening in the world, somewhere, to someone," I'd say. You don't have to look very far!

Glad your shoe prophecy was relatively benign!

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Wow that's cool you dreamt about your triplets! Clearly your body knew.

I will admit I've had a few other clairvoyant moments in my life, but they have been just as pointless as the shoe one, so barely worth mentioning! I assume that time is just muddling around in some incomprehensible fashion and I don't think about it too much!

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And once again I find myself wondering (perhaps dreading?) what it would be like to live in that remarkable mind of yours.... 🥺 I'm still going down that rabbit hole. Thanks for distracting me! Also-- I've always had precognitive dreams, for better, or worse...

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This made my day! Loved the lawnmower bit.

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Thank you! 🧡

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Your writing is fab! Makes a friday evening even more attractive than usual. I am not that talented at being funny; luckily most of the people around me are, so I spend quite considerable portions of my life giggling or at least smiling uncertainty! With the exception of Boris, I think comedy should be an integral part of 'important' people.

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Thank you Graham! What a lovely comment! I'm sure you're funny if you're surrounded by funny people. I agree a sense of humour is essential and important :)

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Thanks Karen! It's fun/dreadful in here ;) And ooh, tell me more about your dreams!

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