Palanquin is the kind of word that should have a greater meaning than the one we’ve assigned it. It’s also a very pretty word.

I am also a master at small talk although it is of the Dad-varietal. I marvel at new construction and comment on babies in strollers, scoff at others who haven’t adequately secured items to their car, and joke with other dads I see. My wife and children always say “you’re such a dad” and they mean it as a tease. Little do they know that their child’s makes me happy because I fucking love being a dad and the social reinforcement is only a good reminder of one of the high points of my life.

As you’ve written so engagingly, being outside and talking to people is just lovely. It reminds us of our shared humanity in a world that is so often inhumane. Damnit Georgina I came to your Stack for the cheap laughs and aureole jokes, not introspection and self-reflection! But you are one of my favorite newsletters and I adore my Friday mornings when I get a new work from you.

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That's a really kind comment, thank you! And I'm very much in favour of the dad jokes and comments, too. Reminding us of the things that tie us together - joy in the absurd, in nature, in family and in our shared experiences. Ah you've made me go all introspective now!

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You’re fast becoming my favourite Substack.

Talking of dog poo, you brought it up, when I was young and walking the dogs with my mum, as our dog was shivering out a particularly tricky one, a woman walked past and said “I hope you’re going to pick that up”. My mum responded “why, do you want it?”.

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Haha brilliant! That was quick witted of your mum. And thanks! I appreciate you :)

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Aug 30Liked by Georgina Bruce

Nicely linked, Georgina. Funny, but also so serious re Afghanistan I could weep.

Agree, dog walk chats that start out as small talk and go off at tangents are great (as long as the dogs are chatty types too).

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Very hard to know what to say about that situation, isn't it? But lots of joy to be had in going off on tangents!

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Aug 30Liked by Georgina Bruce

And thank goodness we have that freedom, as you say! The Emily Wilding Davison connection is very cool btw.

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It is, isn't it? I'm glad someone has given her purple and green flowers to hold, too. She's quite revered in this part of the world, and it shows!

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Sep 1Liked by Georgina Bruce

Oh man, I want to comment on the wonderful word dangersome but don’t want it to sound like I’m talking about your fanny. Dilemma!

I’ve arrived at a form of JOMO myself - I miss the time when we used to learn stuff by talking to other people. So I’ve taken to just asking people questions and learned that sometimes people just want you to fuck off. Well, want *me* to fuck off.

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It's a fantastic word! Yeah, people are really grumpy these days. They don't like to be distracted from their addictions!

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Addictions are so easy though! I speak as someone who has given up pretty much everything. My only ‘vice’ these days is the opposite sex. And can that really be called a vice???

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Also I know all about picking up various forms of dog poo, as a person owned by a rescue dog. In fact I regularly pick up the poo of other people’s pooches. Makes me livid but I do it anyway.

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Aw that is really good of you. People really do need to pick up after their dogs - so basic!

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My word I loved reading this. I just kept going and it just kept getting better. Made me wish i was in Britain or wherever it is you’re writing from where older women step out in a nightie to walk their dog , whatever. I’ll have to reread it. Thank you for making me smile tonight just before I turn out the light.

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Thank you! What a lovely comment. Yes Britain, specifically Northumberland for this post. You don't get Nightie people everywhere, only the good bits!

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